
Or, I don't know, why not just pass out free trancs at the entrance?

BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston's entire highway system will be inspected after a deadly tunnel collapse in the city's "Big Dig" project, and another 60 potentially dangerous locations were found in the tunnel.

Boston looks for cause of "Big Dig" collapse - Boston.com

See, there's only one thing wrong here. OK, two. First, it's already been inspected 65 gazillion times. So who's going to do this inspection. Same mopes?

And second, they aren't gonna close the thing and the sure as hell aren't gonna dig a new one, so what are the alternatives here?

Look, this is all about sucking it up, Bunky. Whaddya wanna do, live forever?

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...e... said...

me, i've been practicing Not Going. in the case of Boston, some 20 years, now. works fine.

Ted Compton said...

well you're missing out on all the adventure, down there in the hurricane zone.