
Weather Service *alert* says this *snow squall* could last for *15 minutes*

They were wrong. It only lasted 11.

Yesterday, today, and I told you so

Well, told myself. 

For a while now I've been looking at my dwindling supply of masks thinking if I order new ones the town mask mandate will surely end. Last night I took a deep breath (literally) and ordered some new masks anyway. I'm nearly out.

In this morning's local newspaper I find the mask mandate was lifted yesterday morning. I am taking credit, retroactively.

And hoping I never have to use the new ones. 

Maybe someday we can start a mask museum.


Sure, I'll get right on that

Burning cargo ship carrying thousands of sports cars adrift in Atlantic Ocean

Anyone concerned by this incident and the implications on the car they’ve ordered should contact their Porsche dealer,” the statement read.

Also, Russia.

And if you think that's bad news…well… 

Raccoon falls through ceiling into packed LSU dining hall

"My appetite is definitely gone.”



Here's an interesting statistic I just ran across in a recent Wired article.

From the CDC web site:

Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.
Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:
  • More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)

That figure—480,000 deaths per year over two years—is very nearly to the total of deaths in the U.S. over the same period from COVID-19.

Yet there are people who continue to smoke, and there are people who continue to avoid simple procedures that dramatically reduce the danger of COVID.

Go figure.

[I smoked for a long time myself but I hopped right on the vaccine.]

Early onset Spring Fever…

 …is what I've been suffering from this week and here it is, nearly over. The week, that is, not the fever.

And, of course, Ukraine. I've been reading a lot about that, and here's what I think.

  • Believe only half of anything you read or hear from or about any intelligence agency.
  • Never believe anyone who tries to tell you which half.
I'm going for a walk.