
Hell hath no fury…

Woman burning love letters sparks Nebraska apartment fire

Banning drugs is always a good idea [you know I'm being sarcastic here, right?]

Vape ban: DIY scene grows as e-cig users create their own flavors | Inverse

Meanwhile, across the pond…

Hillary Clinton Has More People Betting She'll Be the 2020 Democratic Nominee Than Any of the Actual Candidates: U.K. Bookmaker

We're baffled, to be honest," Matthew Shaddick, head of political betting at Ladbrokes, told Newsweek. 

[Me too. -Ed]


The only problem is it's only in Pittsburgh, Norfolk, and Richmond

The new KFC doughnut sandwich has fans and foes riled up

Meanwhile, junk food lovers across the country are planning a pilgrimage.


SPAM makes the cut

The 10 Most Searched Pumpkin Recipes on Google Right Now | Kitchn

And all's right with the world.

Almost missed this one (oops)

The winner of the 2018 Ig Nobel prize in literature:

Life Is Too Short to RTFM: How Users Relate to Documentation and Excess Features in Consumer Products | Interacting with Computers | Oxford Academic

(The 2019 Ig Nobel prize list is here: http://bit.ly/31w4vXN )