I've been pretty reluctant to entertain the idea AI could do a satisfactory job at English composition. But when I recently read a post on X (Twitter) by Alaska's Senator Lisa Murkowski complaining about a Trumpian plan to re-re-rename a certain mountain in her home state I decided maybe AI deserved a chance, after all.
This is Murkowski's tweet (xeet?):
I strongly disagree with the President’s decision on Denali. Our nation’s tallest mountain, which has been called Denali for thousands of years, must continue to be known by the rightful name bestowed by Alaska’s Koyukon Athabascans, who have stewarded the land since time immemorial.
And this is how Apple's AI rewrote it:
I vehemently oppose the President’s decision to rename Denali. Our nation’s tallest mountain, revered by Alaska’s Koyukon Athabascans for millennia, must retain its rightful name, bestowed upon it by these indigenous people who have been the land’s guardians for countless generations.
I think the AI said it best.