They're idiots. Babbling twits.Nicely done.
Link: excuse the mess... that was just my head: new museum for the stupids opens
They're idiots. Babbling twits.Nicely done.
Although he is not built for it, Fred Thompson is sashaying down the Republican runway, dropping gloves and hints about getting naked for ’08.Link: Connecting.the.Dots: Fred Thompson Striptease
VALLEY IDOL: Kick off of the Shea Theater’s annual Valley Idol fundraiser. A karaoke singing competition offering a $1,000 prize to the grand prize winner and other cash prizes for runners-up.Yes that's right, Bunky, we are doomed.
Vacationers seem resigned to gas prices and confident that, as in previous years, prices will drop after the traditional start of the summer driving season.Sort of a traditional coincidence, you might say.
“There's no doubt in my mind there will be an arrest. They just want to make sure the guy don't walk, which is correct,” James Dickson of Rutland said Thursday night of the police investigation into the death of his son, Stewart Dickson, 52....if he is a hit-and-run driver maybe he should walk. I'm just saying here.
The Pentagon's Byzantine bureaucracy isn't just holding up bomb-resistant vehicles. Urgent requests for equipment from Marines in Iraq appeared to go almost nowhere once the paperwork reached the suits back in the United States. According to an Associated Press article, an internal Marine Corps report criticized acquisition officials who dragged their heels on what could have been life-saving requests.Link: Danger Room - Wired Blogs
This blog will be open for business over the Memorial Day weekend, assuming there’s anything to blog about, but many won’t. Some of you (and you know who you are) are no doubt terrified by the prospect that this dearth of online material will force you to shut off your computers and go outside. As a public service, may I suggest some alternative online activities: 1) porn, 2) animation produced by the National Film Board of Canada. To celebrate its 300th anniversary, or something, the NFB put 50 animated short films online.The Canadians do this kind of film better than anybody else. Bar none. Kick back and watch.
According to a front page article in Friday's LA Times, “Mexico is expanding its ability to tap telephone calls and e-mail using money from the U.S. government, a move that underlines how the country's conservative government is increasingly willing to cooperate with the United States on law enforcement.”It's all about the snoops.
“The expansion comes as President Felipe Calderon is pushing to amend the Mexican Constitution to allow officials to tap phones without a judge's approval in some cases,” writes Sam Enriquez for the paper. “Calderon argues that the government needs the authority to combat drug gangs, which have killed hundreds of people this year.”...
They suggest that Washington could have access to information derived from the surveillance.
WASHINGTON, May 25 — The Bush administration is developing what are described as concepts for reducing American combat forces in Iraq by as much as half next year, according to senior administration officials in the midst of the internal debate.Link: White House Is Said to Debate ’08 Cut in Iraq Troops by 50% - New York Times
“There's a rumbling out in the country, my friends. I think they're calling to us,” Thompson said.Link: Thompson headlines
So. Let me see if I’ve got this straight:Yeah, pretty much, that's it.
The House and Senate have both approved giving this incompetent, lying, petulant little bully ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS to continue pouring down the death ridden rat hole that is the Iraq War and in return he has promised to remove the troops…when? Oh that’s right. HE DOESN’T HAVE TO WTHDRAW THE TROOPS AT ALL IF HE DOESN’T WANT TO.
President George W. Bush said Thursday the Chinese “need” to eat US beef for their health, and lamented that China refuses to allow imports because of mad-cow concerns.See how easy?
Bush, speaking at a news conference after meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi, said he was “disappointed” that China was still not accepting US beef.
“They need to be eating US beef. It's good for them. They'll like it. And so we're working hard to get that beef market opened up,” he said.
maha over at mahablog reports that hillary and barak “to the future” obama voted 'no' on the iraq supplemental funding bill...Skippy can.
Cockroaches are generally seen as vile and disgusting creatures so it should come as no surprise that they also have a sleazy sex life complete with date rape drugs, golden showers and the occasional eating of body parts.Link: Primordial Blog: Sexiest Animal on the Planet - Cockroaches
You can do what Harvey has done. You can keep feeding the corrupt corporate beasts or you can take a stand too. You can continue to buy from the monsters who cheat you on a daily basis or you can choose not too. You can continue to suck up hundreds of gallons of gasoline in your SUV daily or not. You can reward the pirates or you can refuse to....Spiiderweb™ writes, and I agree. But my own real problem with gas prices is not so much how high they are but where the profit goes. High prices, at least in theory, will drive down consumption. The oil companies are betting that theory is pretty soft because, Dear Reader, you are hooked. I know. Me too. Half my job is just getting there. $5.00/gallon gas would be a real bitch. (When I was in high school a gallon cost two bits and for a buck you could go on a heavy date. OK, it was a small town. Maybe $1.50 in the city.)
Its all up to you....
This directive and the information contained herein shallSo publishing it to the entire freakin' World Wide Web is what they consider “authorized disclosure,” I guess, and one of the Annexes duly attached and neatly tucked under the blanket of “security” doubtless begins, “LOL, wait until those clueless suckers read this.”
be protected from unauthorized disclosure, provided that, except for Annex
A, the Annexes attached to this directive are classified...
As President Bush took a question Thursday in the White House Rose Garden about scandals involving his Attorney General, he remarked, “I've got confidence in Al Gonzales doin' the job.”...(Watch the movie at Pam's.)
Simultaneously, a sparrow flew overhead and left a splash on the President's sleeve, which Bush tried several times to wipe off.
This was going to be a happy story about how two of my nephews love the french fries on the Bridgeport-Port Jefferson Ferry. “Ferry fries,” they call them. But that story went out the window Sunday night, when I took the photograph below and was threatened with arrest by the Ferry Fascists for doing so.It's those fries that look like an act of terrorism to me.
The President also acknowledged that his troop escalation strategy, and the announcement of the September deadline for a report from General David Petraeus on its progress, would result in a likely increase in violence and bloodshed in Iraq....We don't care how many of them get blown up. Take that, you terrorists.
“It could make August a tough month, because what they're going to try to do is kill as many people as they can to try and influence the debate here at home. Don't you find that interesting? I do, that they recognize that the death of innocent people could shake our will,” the President explained.
Goodling testified that Gonzales' Chief of Staff, Kyle Sampson, perjured himself, lying to the committee in earlier testimony. The lie: Sampson denied Monica had told him about Tim Griffin's “involvement in 'caging' voters” in 2004.Read the rest (oh yeah, more) at the link.
Huh?? Tim Griffin? “Caging”???...
Here's what you need to know --- and the Committee would have discovered, if only they'd asked:
'Caging' voters is a crime, a go-to-jail felony.
Griffin wasn't “involved” in the caging, Ms. Goodling. Griffin, Rove's right-hand man (right-hand claw), was directing the illegal purge and challenge campaign. How do I know? It's in the email I got. Thanks. And it's posted below.
On December 7, 2006, the ragin', cagin' Griffin was named, on Rove's personal demand, US Attorney for Arkansas. Perpetrator became prosecutor.
A Washington-based legal watchdog has sued the White House Office of Administration alleging the administration refuses to comply with a public records request related to more than 5 million e-mails from administration officials that have gone missing, according to a press release.Link: The Raw Story | CREW sues White House over missing e-mails
Lawmakers asked Kyle Sampson about who drew up the list of U.S. Attorneys to be fired and how those names got on the list. Dunno, he said. They asked Alberto Gonzales. Beats me, he said. They asked Paul McNulty. Ask everybody else, he said. They asked Monica Goodling. Ask anybody else, she said.Yeah maybe. Or maybe they're bots. How do we know they're not bots? I mean, think about it, Bunky. Here we have this whole Ministry of Justice place full of “people” (yeah, see what I mean?) running around doing things and they have no idea why? They weren't programmed for “why,” that's why. They were just programmed for “do as you are told.”
As Kevin Drum put it, “Goodling is now the latest high-ranking DOJ official to say that, really, she has no idea why those U.S. Attorneys were fired last year, or who made the choices. The list appeared, somehow, but apparently not from any human hand. It’s a miracle!”
Lawmakers who say the military has kicked out 58 Arabic linguists because they were gay want the Pentagon to explain how it can afford to let the valuable language specialists go.Link: Brilliant at Breakfast
McDonald's has launched a petition to get the dictionary definition of a McJob changed.Uh-huh. Right. Baby, I can just imagine those surveys.
The Oxford English Dictionary describes a McJob as “an unstimulating low-paid job with few prospects”....
McDonald's says that in its staff surveys, 90% of employees agree they are given valuable training that will be of benefit for the rest of their working lives.
On this subject, in the absence of all those missing Karl Rove e-mails, Ms. Goodling seemed to feel perjury-proof in denying or not remembering any discussions with Karl Rove or Harriet Meirs, a contention that strains credulity in the light of her job as the Department’s White House liaison.Link: Connecting.the.Dots: The Monica Misdirection
Isn’t it heartwarming to be living in a country where the people in charge equate telling the truth with not being caught lying?
If your actual goal were to prevent these things from occurring -- to ensure that bin Laden is never caught, that Iraq's infrastructure is never rebuilt -- then incentives like this would be just the kind of thing you'd need. Perverse incentives are an intelligent strategy if you're pursuing perverse goals.I've long since quit giving these guys credit for being incompetent: Nobody's this dumb. Not even Rs.
Birds do it. Bees do it. Now it seems that sharks are the latest, and largest, creatures that are able to reproduce without having sex...Link: Shark's virgin birth stuns scientists | Earth News | Earth | Telegraph
Restaurant Refuses To Change Burger Name With 'Ethnic Slur'Link: Restaurant Refuses To Change Burger Name With 'Ethnic Slur' - News Story - KMGH Denver
Wopburger Sparks Controversy At Family-Owned Italian Restaurant
Congress seeks missing billions in IraqLink: / In depth - Congress seeks missing billions in Iraq
Expensive restaurants are now so popular that they are driving certain animals and fish to the verge of extinction, according to one of the world's leading chefs.It's all China's fault, says Gagnaire. Not Bubba's. He eats cheeseburgers.
Pierre Gagnaire, whose Michelin three-star restaurant in Paris regularly wins plaudits as one of the world's best, said that there were now too many restaurants like his own, ploughing their way through large quantities of certain raw materials considered as delicacies.
Thwarted Christian-fundamentalist terrorist attackLink: Mixter's Mix: Thwarted Christian-fundamentalist terrorist attack
That's right! A student from Jerry Falwell's Liberty University planned to bomb protesters at Jerry's funeral. With gasoline-based napalm bombs.
In an appearance on the “Late Show with David Letterman”...Rudolph W. Giuliani said he believes America might have gone to war in Iraq even if George W. Bush had not been President....See how easy?
He continued: “It was the policy of the Clinton administration to have a regime change in Iraq, so in a way, George Bush carried out what Bill Clinton wanted to do and didn’t get the opportunity to do. So who knows.”
Top U.S. commanders and diplomats in Iraq are completing a far-reaching campaign plan for a new U.S. strategy, laying out military and political goals and endorsing the selective removal of hardened sectarian actors from Iraq's security forces and government.Emphasis (emphatically) mine.
WASHINGTON, May 22 — Congressional Democrats relented Tuesday on their insistence that a war spending measure set a date for withdrawing American combat troops from Iraq. Instead, they moved toward a deal with President Bush that would impose new conditions on the Iraqi government.They flat-out folded, is what they did. Let the troops do the dying: They're just worried about their jobs.
The decision to back down was a wrenching reversal for leading Democrats, who saw their election triumph in November as a call to force an end to the war.
AN Essex girl may be the first lady with a tongue stud to have set her sightsLink: Essex girl fills White House race with lurve-News-World-US & Americas-TimesOnline
on the White House. The wife of Dennis Kucinich, a left-wing Democratic
congressman and 2008 presidential candidate, is a 29-year-old hippie chick
from Upminster at the end of London Underground’s District line.
Still, Mr. Carter did not call President Bush a “puzzlewit” and a “fathead” as Roosevelt did Taft, according to “When Trumpets Call.”Link: Jimmy Carter is Mean - Wonkette
Al Hurra television, the U.S. government’s $63 million-a-year effort at public diplomacy broadcasting in the Middle East, is run by executives and officials who cannot speak Arabic, according to a senior official who oversees the program.Let the Carpetbagger explain.
That might explain why critics say the service has recently been caught broadcasting terrorist messages, including an hour-long tirade on the importance of anti-Jewish violence, among other questionable pieces.
(05-22) 04:00 PDT Washington -- The Bush administration is quietly on track to nearly double the number of combat troops in Iraq this year, an analysis of Pentagon deployment orders showed Monday.Link: Bush could double force by Christmas
The little-noticed second surge, designed to reinforce U.S. troops in Iraq, is being executed by sending more combat brigades and extending tours of duty for troops already there.
The actions could boost the number of combat soldiers from 52,500 in early January to as many as 98,000 by the end of this year if the Pentagon overlaps arriving and departing combat brigades.
The official said US commanders were bracing for a nationwide, Iranian-orchestrated summer offensive, linking al-Qaida and Sunni insurgents to Tehran's Shia militia allies, that Iran hoped would trigger a political mutiny in Washington and a US retreat.But don't worry, Bunky, the US has an ingenious plan of its own: Lilly pads! It's another idea from Rummy and his pals, ain't that swell?
One scenario includes a “series of military installations [that] could be maintained around Iraq, with a total of total of 30,000 to 40,000 U.S. troops, for a long period of time — maybe a few decades.”,,,And we know how well all their other ideas worked out.
The Iraq installations would be part of the so-called “lilly pad” strategy that the US military has been developing since 2004. Gen. Pace, along with former Under Secretary for Policy at the Pentagon, Douglas Feith, and former Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, was an architect of the strategy.
Instead of building the avian homes solely from scratch, Piccadilly Park has taken to emptying and then reusing the plastic shells of vintage Macs as birdhouses, mounting them on poles throughout the farm to provide nests in open areas.Link: AppleInsider | Offbeat News: Apple's old Macs are for the birds
CAMARILLO, Calif. — The average price of self-serve regular gasoline hit a record high of $3.18, rising more than 11 cents over the past two weeks, according to a nationwide survey released Sunday.Link: - Gas Prices Jump Over 11 Cents - Business And Money | Business News | Financial News
Richardson, the son of a Mexican mother and an American father, was born in Pasadena, California, on November 15, 1947. He spent part of his youth in Mexico City, where his father headed Citibank and his mother, who was born in Oaxaca, were a leading society couple.Link: FACTBOX: Bill Richardson, politician and diplomat | Politics | Reuters
CHICAGO — Coming soon: Brood XIII.Yup, there they are.
It sounds like a bad horror movie. But it's actually the name of the billions of cicadas expected to emerge this month in parts of the Midwest after spending 17 years underground.
The red-eyed, shrimp-sized, flying insects don't bite or sting. But they are known for mating calls that produce a din that can overpower ringing telephones, lawn mowers and power tools.
In unusually candid comments, Mr Campbell also disclosed that American commanders had decided that the criteria for the “success” of the troop surge would be nothing more than a reduction in violence to the level prior to last year’s al-Qaeda bombing of the al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, which destroyed its golden dome.That would be on the order of 800 murders per month, the level of violence in Iraq before the Samarra bombing, or roughly three World Trade Centers per year. In a state the size of California.
Former US Attorney alleges Justice cover-up in his firingDuh. I's starting to sound like Gonzo, the Musical.
Town Administrator David Jodoin was deeply troubled by the rumors about his personal life. He complained to the Hooksett Town Council, which launched an investigation of the gossip at the town offices. When the brief probe was over, the town moved quickly to action, and fired four town employees for spreading the rumor....Link: Rumor mill churns trouble in town - The Boston Globe
Critics of the town have boiled their argument down to one question: Is there an employee anywhere who isn't guilty of gossiping about co workers?
ATLANTA — The three women call themselves the All-Broad Fraud Squad.Link: Mortgage Fraud Is Up, but Not in Their Backyards - New York Times
Nearly a decade ago, concerned that mortgage fraud was threatening their pastoral towns, the women — two full-time mothers and a mortgage executive then in their 40s — got together to write down license plate numbers of suspicious cars in their neighborhoods, scour public documents for housing titles and deeds and seek the help of local law enforcement. At first they were ignored, written off as bored housewives.
Today, the three women — Ann Fulmer, Alicia Sheppard and Julia Barrette — are helping train F.B.I. agents, speaking to lending associations across the country and lecturing college students on how to identify mortgage fraud.
Rather than deftly acting to bring the troops home, the Democrats continue their eye-shifting and throat-clearing while the killing and dying go on and on. Last week, the new majority party yielded to the oxymoron argument that we have to support the troops by keeping them in the line of fire.Link: Bring troops home now :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Monroe Anderson
Last month the Washington high school junior used 6,807 text messages, which, at a rate of 15 cents apiece for most of them, pushed the family's Verizon Wireless bill to more than $1,100 for the month. Sofia knew she'd been texting a lot but couldn't believe the “incredible” number she hit. “I just thought, oh my God, my life is over,” she said.Then we'll see.
“Votes of no confidence are very rare,” Specter said. “Historically, that is something which Attorney General Gonzales would like to avoid. I think that if and when he sees that coming, he would prefer to avoid that kind of a historical black mark.”Avoid, horsefeathers. This guy is a historical black mark.
“Two intelligence assessments from January 2003 predicted that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and subsequent U.S. occupation of Iraq could lead to internal violence and provide a boost to Islamic extremists and terrorists in the region, according to congressional sources and former intelligence officials familiar with the prewar studies,” reports the Washington Post....Link: The Raw Story | 2003 intelligence reports predicted violence in Iraq
The Defense Department apparently dismissed the reports as “too negative.”
DURHAM, N.H. -- As he followed his fellow former president George H.W. Bush to the lectern, Bill Clinton's eyes were on the University of New Hampshire's graduating class, but his mind was on the state's upcoming primary.Link: Politics reigns, as usual, in N.H. - The Boston Globe
Teachers union chief trounces rivalLink: Teachers union chief trounces rival :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education
To become full legal residents, under a compromise Senate leaders announced Thursday, Mr. Ramírez and other illegal immigrants would have to pay a total of $5,000 in fines, more than 14 times the typical weekly earnings on the streets here, return to their home countries at least once, and wait as long as eight years. During the wait, they would have limited possibilities to bring other family members.Yeah, that sounds pretty scary. Let the invasion begin.