
Imagine a world…

…where word that 29 million Facebook users had their accounts hacked is considered good news.

We thought the number was much larger than that.

The best defense of Kanye's 000000 password I've run across so far…

…is that it's so bad no evil Russian hacker would even think of trying it.

My advice is, do not try this at home.

We have a hurricane named Defiant Leslie now?

National Hurricane Center (@NHC_Atlantic)
Hurricane #Leslie Advisory 69: Defiant Leslie Still a Hurricane. go.usa.gov/W3H

I like it. This could make the stormy season much more fun.


Not too shabby, this

I used the new AR measuring app on my phone to divine the length of my most recent CVS receipt and it exactly matched the result I got from my local yardstick: 29.5 inches. Good work, app.bl

Since the total amount of my purchase was $8.98, that's 3.285 inches of receipt per dollar spent, which seems like a gratifying return.


The Cybersecurity 202: Kanye West is going to make password security great again - The Washington Post

Cybersecurity pros have long cautioned that simple passwords such as "12345" or "password" — and yes, "000000" — make it even easier for malicious actors to snoop or steal personal information. But despite the continuous warnings about the dangers of easy-to-guess passwords, people still  choose them.


We have met the enemy and he is us

The Cybersecurity 202: The Pentagon's new weapons systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks, government watchdog finds - The Washington Post

And here's the real zinger: "Due to this lack of focus on weapon systems cybersecurity, DOD likely has an entire generation of systems that were designed and built without adequately considering cybersecurity."

It's the original IoT. Oy. 


Woohoo! Wait till the Russians catch on to how it's really done

What's the big deal?

You can get all the way from here to Chicago in this much time on plain old Amtrak. And anyway, who wants to go to Singapore? Or, for that matter, New Jersey?

World's Longest Nonstop Flight Starts Service From Singapore to New Jersey This Week

Total flight time? Just under 19 hours.

There's always an extra screw

Why? I'm wondering if all those socks that escape turn themselves into screws and leave themselves lying around projects you're working on. I get it—if somebody wears you around on their foot all day you might be in the mood for a little payback.

Like this morning, I replaced a light switch and wound up with two extra screws. At least they're a pair.

When I was a kid I took a watch apart. You should have seen all the extra parts I wound up with that time. Somebody's sock drawer must have been decimated.


Your Morning Chuckle (a never to be repeated daily feature)

This from the Washington Post:

Facebook unveils the Portal, a video chat camera for the people who still trust Facebook

(That's right, the Washington Post is owned by that Alexa guy.)

Also from the Washington Post  (yes, same one):

California's new Internet of Things law only protects against a small portion of cyberthreats

Starting in 2020, all Internet of Things devices made or sold in California…must come equipped with unique passwords, or a feature that requires the user to set their own unique password.
You got it, from now on you may have to put in your own Pa55w0rd.

[Or do better, please. -Ed.]