An astronaut is miniaturized when he lands on an asteroid that his spaceship is forced to land on.
link: The Phantom Planet - Hulu
Don't stop! I need more!
An astronaut is miniaturized when he lands on an asteroid that his spaceship is forced to land on.
link: The Phantom Planet - Hulu
Don't stop! I need more!
With less than two months to go before high school commencements, more than 4,100 seniors across Massachusetts have not met a new state graduation requirement: passing an MCAS science exam....
The predicament is sounding alarms among some education advocates, who say that persistent failure could cause many of these students to give up on receiving a diploma, a potential setback as the state tries to boost its graduation rate. Last year, 81.5 percent of 12th-graders graduated four years after entering high school.
link: Science MCAS bedevils seniors - The Boston Globe
Keeping a photographic food diary is a growing phenomenon with everything from truffle-stuffed suckling pig to humble bowls of Cheerios being captured and offered for public consumption. Indeed, the number of pictures tagged “food” on the photo-sharing Web site Flickr has increased tenfold to more than six million in the last two years, according to Tara Kirchner, the company’s marketing director. One of the largest and most active Flickr groups, called “I Ate This,” includes more than 300,000 photos that have been contributed by more than 19,000 members.
link: People Who Photograph Food and Display the Pictures Online -
While it’s clear from the cyberwar news that we are living in a war zone when we turn on our computers, we at refuse to surrender — even at the risk of taking an e-bullet in the name of Freedom.
So strap on your iFlak jackets and use this CyberWar bingo card the next time you go to read a Cyberwar story....
link: It’s Cyberwar! Let’s Play Bingo! | Threat Level |
Yet again, though, the Cardinal could not force a westward tilt of a sport that has spun decidedly eastward on its axis, losing, 53-47. The all-American center Jayne Appel, hobbled by a gimpy right ankle, missed all 12 of her shots. Without her reliability in the middle, Stanford wobbled out of its accustomed orbit.
link: On Basketball - VanDerveer and Stanford Push but Can’t Upend UConn -
$4.3 Billion Loss at G.M. Masks Progress Since Bailout
link: G.M. Report Shows Loss, but Also Optimism -