
Are we sure this counts?

Chicagoan Patrick Bertoletti celebrates hot dog eating contest win: ‘I still can’t really believe it’

I can't really believe it either. Why? Because Chicagoan Bertoletti was eating New York hot dogs.

They look like this:

OK, that's a lot of (New York) hot dogs.

But a Chicago hot dog looks like this:

You be the judge.


Maybe Trump should be the one…

Employers challenged to understand, address stigma faced by formerly incarcerated job-seekers

…to step down now and try again next time. Of course he'll be pretty old by then.

But by then we might not care.

[Chicago Tribune]


So all those guns are coming in handy, I guess

To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species

Documents released by the agency show a maximum of about 450,000 barred owls would be shot over three decades after the birds from the eastern U.S. encroached into the West Coast territory of two owls: northern spotted owls and California spotted owls. The smaller spotted owls have been unable to compete for food and habitat with the invaders.
The plan is "contentious" AP says.

What if they think we're the strange one?

From red wall to King’s Speech, UK elections have a vocabulary all their own. Here’s what to know

In England, for example, the red party is the blue one and the blue one is red. Or maybe not. It's complicated.

Now here in the U.S, on the other hand…


Get ready for THE existential threat

 Climate apocalypse!

Look for it at your nearest Walgreens. Or wherever.