
There's an old children's story…


…about a princess and a pea.

Little did I know when I heard it she would wind up being a neighbor of mine,

(Look it up.)

This is beginning to sound like…

 …one of those Antarctic explorer shipwreck stories, just a little warmer.

Nearly 2 months after Baltimore bridge collapse, Dali crew still stuck on board

The crew has been stuck on the ship due to Visa restrictions, lack of access to shore passes and ongoing investigations by the National Transportation Safety Board and the FBI.
"Two unions representing the crew said that 'morale has understandably dipped,'" Straight Arrow News reports.

All the News That's Fit to Print, kind of

I haven't seen a printed copy of the New York Times for so long I'm not entirely sure what's it looks like anymore, but its front page used to be emblazoned with the motto, "All the News That's Fit to Print."

Maybe it still is. Maybe that's why today's edition devotes 385 words to what Donald Trump and his New York legal team order, on trial days, for lunch.
On Thursday, for the president and his team, the order was 14 pizzas: four cheese, five pepperoni, four sausage and pepperoni and one chicken, bacon and ranch from The Pie Guy, a takeout place about a block from the court.
Not exactly, the Times sniffs, like "ducking out for a steak." Nonetheless (maybe this is the "fit to print" part, or maybe it's just "all the news") the paper explains…
The Pie Guy had been in business for a year and a half. The overwhelming majority of reviews on Google are favorable -- praising, for example, the "super fresh ingredients and amazing staff."
Certainly good to know.

[The story is here.]



Most of 15 million bees contained after bee-laden truck crashes

First responders didn’t realize the cargo was bees until firefighters went down an embankment to check for leaking fluids, said Fire Chief Travis Leary.

They learned the hard way.

Could we be a little more specific than just…most? 

Go with the Hoosiers

Are tacos and burritos sandwiches? A judge in Indiana ruled yes.

Contrary to Bobay, a Massachusetts judge in 2006 ruled that tacos, burritos and quesadillas were not sandwiches.

 But is chowder soup?


Sounds a little too much like an old Beatles song

This giant gas planet is as fluffy and puffy as cotton candy

Cotton candy in the sky? Really?

The planet, catchily named WASP-193b, is just a big ball of gas — hydrogen and helium, mostly — and it's 1,200 light-years from here. Which is a long way.

Too far to pay much attention to. 


Cold showers are next

Why you should embrace using cold water, almost all the time

You may not be giving a second thought to setting your washing machine on the hot cycle, cranking your showers to a steamy temperature or scrubbing your dirty dishes under a stream of scalding water.

 Or, you could just stop washing your clothes.

Me, I'll probably go with the clothes, as I have long considered hot showers as the single greatest benefit of living in a relatively civilized age.