Americans Will Spend More Than $1 Billion on Weddings on Saturday [Today] - Bloomberg
(Not counting travel)
Work avoidance among color-coded ants (really)
Industrious fire ants reveal surprise secret to success: Selective laziness - The Washington Post
Another striking thing about ants is that some of them just sit around doing nothing. This has also been noticed in other social insects, such as bees. When ants build a nest, some of them just sit around, inert, lazy, seemingly useless.
There are some things you simply can not argue with
And next week she'll be hacking voting machines
Seriously, has anybody been paying attention here? Anybody? Raise your hand.
Omarosa: 'There's One Way To Shut Donald Trump Down' | HuffPost
Omarosa Manigault Newman says there's a lone way to combat President Donald Trump's fiery rhetoric and constant attacks on Twitter: Don't give him the attention.
Whoever it was…
…who came up with that line about the past not being past can get over it now, because it is.
River North McDonald's makeover: Rock 'n' roll theme leaves the stage | Chicago Sun-Times
Yes! It's come to this!
Exclamation points and periods are causing anxiety. The solution is full exclamation point amnesty.
Is there any way to fight back? Or are we doomed to live in a world where every sentence will need to have a minimum of three exclamation points in order to be read as anything less than outright hostile?
Shark. Again.
'The Meg' Is a Surprise Box-Office Monster - The New York Times
"The Meg," a brassy, brainless, computer-generated mishmash, took in $44.5 million at North American theaters — roughly 120 percent more than most analysts had expected. "The Meg" collected an additional $97 million overseas, with China contributing half of that total.
Why bother to buy a Congresscritter when somebody else will do it for you?
Foreign interests have spent over $530 million influencing US policy, public opinion since 2017
Today we're making available, for the first time, a searchable database of foreign interests spending on lobbying and influence in the United States.
Maybe it's just something in that New York water
Donald Trump Talks About a War on the Press. Andrew Cuomo Is Waging One.
There is though a long and ignominious history of Cuomo's disdain for journalists and the lengths he will go to to avoid or punish those he deems hostile
The good, the bad, and the funny (in a geeky way)
An 11-Year-Old Changed The Results Of Florida's Presidential Vote At A Hacker Convention. Discuss.
[Another hacker this year] took a Diebold TSX voting machine — versions of which are in use in at least some areas of 20 states — and turned it into a jukebox that played music from its tinny speakers and a display for an Illuminati GIF he found online.