
And how about "band of brothers" for being exclusionary, wot?

Famous Shakespeare quote removed by Twitter for “abuse and harassment”

 Twitter took down a tweet quoting English playwright William Shakespeare’s well-known “let’s kill all the lawyers” line from Henry VI Part 2 for violating its “abuse and harassment” rules.
[Reclaim the Net]


April hat won't blow off (it's very windy)




But it'd be easier to just dunk them whole

“Oreology” investigates mystery of why Oreo creme filling usually sticks to one side

The failure strain of Oreo creme is about the same as that observed in foie gras or crumbly Romano or Old Amsterdam cheese, per the authors, while the failure stress is about the same as soft Havarti or mozzarella cheese—and double that of cream cheese or peanut butter. Those qualities combined to give the creme what's known in food science as a "mushy" texture.