
Required reading here

The Growing Threat to Free Speech Online | Time

This is the most lucid argument for Section 230* protections to online speech I've run across, and it clearly makes the case that free speech online is threatened and what the price of attempting to suppress it might—indeed, will—be. 

*Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. http://bit.ly/2TTQn9S


Kettle, meet pot

Hillary Clinton rips Bernie Sanders: 'Nobody likes him'


Something we shouldn't have to be saying, but we are because we do

Experts say iPhones are easy to unlock, so why is the FBI demanding Apple's help?
In the words of Tim Cook himself: "You can't have a back door that's only for the good guys."

"There is simply no way for Apple, or any other company, to provide the FBI access to encrypted communications without also providing it to authoritarian foreign governments and weakening our defenses against criminals and hackers…"
Read in Fox News: https://apple.news/A-NaIrlr8S2qgTpdyq4fQ5g

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