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Take a yoga class. Meet pigs. No kidding.

Piglet yoga inspires newcomers and regulars to the ancient Indian wellness practice

In Massachusetts…some drive for hours for sessions with three piglets.

Well, no explaining Massachusetts…but some of these classes also feature bunnies and a goat. And snacks. For the animals.

[It's a little video from the AP. See for yourself.]


Cambodia, here we come

Inside the White House, a Debate Over Letting Ukraine Shoot U.S. Weapons Into Russia

Propelled by the State Department, there is now a vigorous debate inside the administration over relaxing the ban to allow the Ukrainians to hit missile and artillery launch sites just over the border in Russia — targets that Mr. Zelensky says have enabled Moscow’s recent territorial gains.

This is mission creep, and it's the reason we shouldn't leap into other people's wars. And by we I mean, well, us. Was no one paying attention during the Vietnam years?

Wait. Maybe you're not old enough to remember those. 

Start really hoping you don't have to find out now.

Imagine my relief

OpenAI didn’t copy Scarlett Johansson’s voice for ChatGPT, records show

When OpenAI issued a casting call last May for a secret project to endow OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT with a human voice, the flier had several requests: The actors should be nonunion. They should sound between 25 and 45 years old. And their voices should be “warm, engaging [and] charismatic.”

Well, maybe not so much here. I've had a little experience with actors unions and I'm firmly on the actors' side here. 

The most depressing election year ever (at least that I remember)

Biden's approval rating falls to lowest level in nearly two years-Reuters/Ipsos poll

The four-day poll, which closed on Monday, showed just 36% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance as president, down from 38% in April. It was a return to the lowest approval rating of his presidency, last seen in July 2022.
And on the other hand, of course, Trump.

It's Memorial Day weekend coming up, the unofficial first day of summer, and likely to be a long hot one.

The good news is I have a ticket for a free ice cream thing at Wendy's.


Gaza, New York City, and South Dakota are among the examples.

Reality Check Commentary: Using Misrepresented Visuals to Lie: When the Truth Isn't Enough

It used to be said that a picture is worth a thousand words. These days, it might be better to stick with the words.



Japan tries to hide it's most famous volcano…

…from selfie-seekers.

Japan blocks iconic Mt Fuji view to deter tourists

“They cross the street and they don’t seem to care about the cars at all, it is dangerous. And they leave trash and cigarette butts everywhere."

According to Microsoft's Co-pilot AI, Japan boasts 440 volcanoes, of which 110 are active — about 10% of all the active volcanoes in the world. 

What happens when you spend all afternoon washing windows?

It rains. Right? Of course it does. But so what? I wash windows in even-numbered years, so I'll be able to see through them again in '26.

Also, I found a quarter under my bed. I have no idea how long it was there. But I'm certain it was worth more when it was lost than it is now.

Maybe I should check more often,


Every leak counts

EPA warns of increasing cyberattacks on water systems and urges utilities to take immediate action

About 70% of utilities inspected by federal officials over the last year violated standards meant to prevent cyberthreats, the agency said.About 70% of utilities inspected by federal officials over the last year violated standards meant to prevent cyberthreats, the agency said.


A song for today

"Those were the days my friend

We thought they'd never end 

We'd sing and dance forever and a day 

We'd live the life we choose 

We'd fight and never lose 

For we were young and sure to have our way."

Mary Hopkin "Those Were The Days" on The Ed Sullivan Show
