
And just like that I'm young again

 From The Washington Post:

Headlines warn about “toxic sock syndrome” and a sock war between the generations, while fashion writers have shared advice on how to up your sock game and take advantage of the crew sock trend.
The latest fad of whatever gen is the latest gen? Wearing crew socks.

I've been wearing them since the 1940's and I always knew I was right. 

And they say this global warming is a bad thing?

What a study of 7 million speeches tells us about heat and language

Yes they do say that. "Extreme temperatures could .have far-reaching negative implications for society as a whole'.”

Why do they say that? 
In hot weather, political speeches are less complex, even indoors, which may hold implications for cognition.

Political speeches made in hot weather are easier to understand.



Call this saving the planet and take the win

Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”

Business Insider claims it has seen internal Dell tracking data that reveals nearly 50 percent of the workforce opted to accept the consequences of staying remote, undermining Dell's plan to restore its in-office culture.

Saving the planet is all the rage these days. [SPOILER: The planet's fine; it's us that need the saving.] And not going back to the office means less energy consumed and polution created by commuting. Also, potentially less energy used to maintain now largely empty office buildings (the homes people are working from will probably still be heated or air conditioned even when the people are not there).

Granted, some people may be less productive working from home. Others will be more productive. My bet is it all works out.

Go for it.

Playing the numbers game

From the New York Times:
Timothy Mellon, Secretive Donor, Gives $50 Million to Pro-Trump Group 
Bloomberg Backs Biden With $20 Million Donation

From the Federal Elections Commission: 

Contribution limits for 2023-2024 federal elections

Got it?



Not better late than never

Democrats seek to repeal Comstock abortion rule, fearing Trump crackdown

“There is a very clear, well-organized plan afoot by the MAGA Republicans to use Comstock as a tool to ban medication abortion, and potentially all abortions,” said Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.).

The MAGA Republican plan (sorry, just keeping up with the times — "MAGA Republican" is all one word now) the plan is to obey the law. As in no man is above.

Yes, the Comstock "abortion rule" is a law. And has been a law since 1873. Which means there's been a century and a half during which it could have been repealed. But MAGA Republicans.

The real problem here is that laws never go away. For example (courtesy of Microsoft's co-pilot AI);

- In Arkansas, it’s illegal to mispronounce the state’s name. 

- In Connecticut, a pickle cannot be sold unless it bounces when dropped.

- In Indiana, black cats are required to wear bells around their necks on Friday the 13th.

- In Maryland, it’s illegal to swear while driving.

And my personal favorite:

- In Gainesville, Georgia, eating fried chicken with a knife and fork is a no-no.

This affair with the Comstock law is a messaging vote. It's sole purpose is to let the Democrats say "the Republicans won't let us do it."

MAGA Republicans. Sorry. 

It should have been repealed a long time ago. When the Democrats had a majority of the Congress.

Who ya gonna call?

 911 service failed in Massachusetts yesterday and was offline for two hours, resulting in maybe seven or eight hundred missed 911 calls (nobody knows the exact number, but that would be the average) and a series of really annoying public safety notifications on my phone,

This is, needless to say, not good.

The nation's 911 system is, according to this article in the NYTimes, in dire need of repair. What else is new. Also — what else is new — that will cost billions of dollars, some of which will need to come from Congress. Meanwhile, sez the Times…

More people have been texting to get emergency help as states roll out the Next Generation 911 infrastructure. In 2021, 38 states reported about 508,000 texts to 911, up from 188,000 in 2018.

Some states — what else is new — don't report.


New to our Work Avoidance Hall of Fame

Astronomy Picture of the Day

It's all about the show

The New York Times has a "Biden-Trump Tracker"…

Tracking Biden and Trump on the Campaign Trail

 …you can follow along every excruciating step of the way to the big November date which starts in October sometime, I think. 

No need for either of the two major political parties to nominate a candidate (what's the rush?) before the Big Show begins. We have the Times.

Oh well, "some American military officials say"…

U.S. Pier for Gaza Aid Is Failing, and Could Be Dismantled Early

In the month since it was attached to the shoreline, the pier has been in service only about 10 days. The rest of the time, it was being repaired after rough seas broke it apart, detached to avoid further damage or paused because of security concerns.

…it was only supposed to be a temporary fix anyway. And 10 days is about as temporary as you can get, pierwise.

The pier is said (by the Times) to have cost $230 million (and counting, presumably). So, $23 million per day.

Burger bots

McDonald’s is ending its test run of AI-powered drive-thrus with IBM

But don't despair.
“Our work with IBM has given us the confidence that a voice ordering solution for drive-thru will be part of our restaurants’ future,” McDonald’s said in a prepared statement this week, adding that it would continue evaluations to “make an informed decision on a future voice ordering solution by the end of the year.”
In the U.S., Wendy’s partnered with Google Cloud to develop “Wendy’s FreshAI” chatbot. White Castle teamed up with SoundHound AI with a goal of bringing voice-powered AI technology to more than 100 restaurants by the end of 2024. And a handful of Panera, Arby’s and Popeyes locations have brought OpenCity’s “Tori” voice assistant to their order lanes.
So when you drive through in your AI-powered car….

Who needs you?


The intelligence may be artificial, but the junk is real

Special Report: Top 10 Generative AI Models Mimic Russian Disinformation Claims One Third of the Time, Citing Moscow-Created Fake Local News Sites as Authoritative Sources

The audit tested 10 of the leading AI chatbots — OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4, You.com’s Smart Assistant, xAI’s Grok, Inflection’s Pi, Mistral’s le Chat, Microsoft’s Copilot, Meta AI, Anthropic’s Claude, Google’s Gemini, and Perplexity’s answer engine.

This seems a little bit extreme

Secret Service agent robbed at gunpoint during Biden’s Los Angeles trip, police say

Biden raked in $30 million at the fundraiser though, the AP helpfully notes. So the trip was a net gain.


The geezer squad

‘Biden Bingo': The president’s campaign adapts a classic game to include malarkey and aviators

Half of adults who are 65 and older have a very or somewhat favorable opinion of Biden, according to a recent AP-NORC poll. Older adults are more likely than those under 65 to have a positive view of the president.

Half is something, I guess. 


Hacking your head

Faking an honest woman: Why Russia, China and Big Tech all use faux females to get clicks

While technology may grow more and more sophisticated, the human brain remains surprisingly easy to hack thanks in part to age-old gender stereotypes that have migrated from the real world to the virtual.

Notice it's not necessarily being, it's faking that does the job.

Men's voices come across as competent, not nice.