
Not better late than never

Democrats seek to repeal Comstock abortion rule, fearing Trump crackdown

“There is a very clear, well-organized plan afoot by the MAGA Republicans to use Comstock as a tool to ban medication abortion, and potentially all abortions,” said Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.).

The MAGA Republican plan (sorry, just keeping up with the times — "MAGA Republican" is all one word now) the plan is to obey the law. As in no man is above.

Yes, the Comstock "abortion rule" is a law. And has been a law since 1873. Which means there's been a century and a half during which it could have been repealed. But MAGA Republicans.

The real problem here is that laws never go away. For example (courtesy of Microsoft's co-pilot AI);

- In Arkansas, it’s illegal to mispronounce the state’s name. 

- In Connecticut, a pickle cannot be sold unless it bounces when dropped.

- In Indiana, black cats are required to wear bells around their necks on Friday the 13th.

- In Maryland, it’s illegal to swear while driving.

And my personal favorite:

- In Gainesville, Georgia, eating fried chicken with a knife and fork is a no-no.

This affair with the Comstock law is a messaging vote. It's sole purpose is to let the Democrats say "the Republicans won't let us do it."

MAGA Republicans. Sorry. 

It should have been repealed a long time ago. When the Democrats had a majority of the Congress.

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