
Whoa! This is the most horrifying thing I've read this year (so far)

"Parents in Washington state must put their children up to 2 years old in a rear-facing car seat under a law that takes effect Jan. 1, which turns a previous recommendation into a requirement. Children ages 2 to 4 must be in a forward-facing harness seat. Those older than 4 must remain in a booster seat if they are shorter than 4 feet, 9 inches, a restriction that may include many middle school students."

(Emphasis mine.)

It's from an NBC News article on laws taking effect in this new year…

2020's new laws: Gender-neutral 'X' licenses, stronger ID, wear your hair the way you want

You went to junior high school, didn't you? Can you imagine being driven to your first school dance, maybe with a date, by your parents and strapped into a booster seat?

Talk about life-altering trauma. Yikes!


I won't either, but do you I think the Washington Post will mention that?

Corey Lewandowski says he won't seek Senate seat from N.H. - The Washington Post

Fake news!!!

Sorry, but with the year nearly over I just wanted to say that one time.

Actually, we've ended the old year around these parts with a 48-hour New England sleet storm, which seems almost perfectly appropriate (only one or two letters off).

Only a few hours, now, and the year will be brand new, and Spring is right around the corner.


OMG wicked scary Russian hacker wants to make science free

Running a pirate site and being sued for what is likely to be millions of dollars in damages…

The frustrated science student behind Sci-Hub | Science | AAAS

What's going to happen to us if people start reading this stuff?


A Gertrude by any other name would be…younger

How to Tell Someone's Age When All You Know Is Her Name | FiveThirtyEight