I was doing a little research on the prevalence of security cameras in our modern, wired world (
some say there's a camera for every 11 people in Britain, for example) when I googled across
this Home Depot page offering surveillance devices for sale to thee and me.
I'm thinking maybe those fake glasses with the fuzzy eyebrows and the big nose.
I confess, I think the wrist watch with the hidden camera is kind of cool, although if you pretend you're checking the time on your watch you're really only surveilling yourself so I guess you'd have to hold your watch up in front of the Russian spy's face and say Look what time it is! or something like that. Something sneaky.
The trouble with all this—well, one trouble—of course is that the bugged power outlets and wall clocks and smiley buttons (smiley buttons?) are all part of the Internet of Things (IoT), a notoriously insecure network, and might as well be spying on
you as
them. Just mentioning.
Also, there are other ways to evade security cameras. You might check with your local tagger for help with that.
And if you get one of those watches and it works, let me know.