

Under eaves

It's been a long time…

…since we've seen a decent movie with no kissing around here but laSt night we finally broke the spell. The Train, now added to our official movies list, is a WWII thriller about stolen French art, featuring long-ago actors and filmed in lush black-and-white. Worth a watch (and available from Amazon Prime).

Main Street not looking all that main these days

A morning walk


At the corner

I'm reading a book that says…

…posting black-and-white pictures online is an indicator of clinical depression.

Now, I come from an ancient time when black-and-white images were known as, well, photographs.

But in the name of mental heath, have a rose.


There was a time…

…lost in the now-distant mists of history when spies—yes, spies—would labor months under harrowing circumstances to develop this level of insight into a nation's economy.

You can do it with one click.
