
Why would you even need a lawyer if you have a defense this good?

Lawyer: Coat chewing could've thrown off breath test

Who, me, Officer? [munch munch]

I wonder what happens if you chew on your hat.

When Wells Fargo thinks you're a crook you're in the big time

Goldman Sachs could be liable for $5B in Malaysian scandal

The sentiments were echoed by Wells Fargo analyst Mike Mayo, who has been critical of Goldman's involvement.

Maybe we can get the Brits to take us back

.gov security falters during U.S. shutdown | Netcraft

Dozens of U.S. government websites have been rendered either insecure or inaccessible during the ongoing U.S. federal shutdown. These sites include sensitive government payment portals and remote access services, affecting the likes of NASA, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Court of Appeals.


Look it up your ownself

A playlist I was listening to earlier today came up with the song classic "Fascinating Rhythm," which includes a line describing the singer as "shaking like a flivver."

Do you know what a flivver is?


Some network somewhere is already counting the money

Presidential Primary Debates Can Make — And Break — A Campaign | FiveThirtyEight

"In anticipation of the 2020 presidential election, Democrats have announced plans to hold 12 primary debates, with the first scheduled for June 2019 — nearly eight months before the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 3, 2020,"