
Read on

New Life for Old Classics, as Their Copyrights Run Out - The New York Times



As a public service…

How do you cure a historic hangover? | National Museum of American History


I was never much for New Year's Eve myself, but hey, to each his/her/their own.


I have an item that needs shipping to Amazon so this morning early I got all industrious (always a bad idea, I should have known right there) and got it all packed up and then looked at the shipping instructions they emailed me and it turns out in addition to the mailing label there is a packing slip that goes inside the box. Duh. So now I have to open the package again to put the packing slip in and then…

retape it shut which means…

wait for it…

I have to go buy more tape.

This doesn't seem like a new year to me. Ir seems like the same old one.


Some useful advice regarding your art collection (don't say we never did you any favors)

Guillotine Watch: weighing the pros and cons of keeping your art collection on your super-yacht / Boing Boing


Ordering up a little peace and quiet

Button offers instant gratification for those plagued by airplane noise - The Washington Post

Airnoise is the brainchild of Chris McCann, who repurposed the same plastic Dash Button that Amazon customers use to order toilet paper and detergent.

[TRIGGER ALERT: paywall]


Immensely annoying, this little game

Here's an article in the Los Angeles Times about a cyberattack at said newspaper that quotes "several individuals with knowledge of the information" and a "company insider" who is "not authorized to comment publicly." WTF? The company insider is a person from their own company. 

This whole little attribution game newspapers routinely play is clearly out of hand.

Foreign cyberattack hits newspapers: Here is what we know - Los Angeles Times
