
Maybe not so missing after all.

This Monica revealed something hotter --- much hotter --- than a stained blue dress. In her opening testimony yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee, Monica Goodling, the blonde-ling underling to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Department of Justice Liaison to the White House, dropped The Big One....And the Committee members didn't even know it.

Goodling testified that Gonzales' Chief of Staff, Kyle Sampson, perjured himself, lying to the committee in earlier testimony. The lie: Sampson denied Monica had told him about Tim Griffin's “involvement in 'caging' voters” in 2004.

Huh?? Tim Griffin? “Caging”???...

Here's what you need to know --- and the Committee would have discovered, if only they'd asked:

'Caging' voters is a crime, a go-to-jail felony.
Griffin wasn't “involved” in the caging, Ms. Goodling. Griffin, Rove's right-hand man (right-hand claw), was directing the illegal purge and challenge campaign. How do I know? It's in the email I got. Thanks. And it's posted below.
On December 7, 2006, the ragin', cagin' Griffin was named, on Rove's personal demand, US Attorney for Arkansas. Perpetrator became prosecutor.
Read the rest (oh yeah, more) at the link.

Link: The BRAD BLOG : Palast Exclusive: The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom

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