
Because bringing them to justice doesn't have anything to do with, uh, you know, justice, does it?

WASHINGTON -- Bush administration lawyers today rejected congressional suggestions to try alleged Al Qaeda and Taliban war criminals in the U.S. military justice system, saying military courts provide protections for defendants that are unwarranted in the war on terrorism.

Military Justice Idea Rejected [BY BUSH] for Alleged Terror Defendants | AfterDowningStreet.org

So Sen. Lindsey ("What a Freakin Idiot") Graham figures if the UCMJ is too good for those damn slow-running ter'rist bastards in Gitmo the solution is to change the UCMJ. How's that for supporting the troops?

I gotta tellya, there are mornings when I wake up wishing we had some kind of opposition party in this country. But I guess that's too much to hope for, isn't it.

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