
A new YAME feature: cooking tips.

1) Turn the burner to ON.

OK that's it for today but you can always check again tomorrow, see if we have more. Although now that we have the basics pretty well covered any more will be just the fancy stuff. When we come up with some of that we'll let you know.

Typing on white keyboards is sort of like wearing white pants, have you ever noticed that? They get dirty. You might not know that if you don't have a white keyboard yourself and you might be wondering how I know about white pants. I had a pair of white pants once, it was some doll's idea. And you can't even change a tire in white pants without getting them dirty, I can tell you that. So watch what dolls you take up with if that's what you're thinking of.

Now that my white keyboard has no computer attached to it there's not much I can do with it except clean the keys. Actually they weren't all that dirty, given that the keyboard is eight months old. And all the letters and numbers are still there. I have poison fingers or something because I tend to wear the letters and numbers off. It's a lucky thing I mostly remember where they were. Well, lucky for me. Maybe not for you.

I don't have the white pants any more, though. Or the doll, but that's another story. And don't let me forget to check the potatoes. I forgot last time, and it was grim.

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