
Don't get comfortable.

Just because I have a chance to sit down here for a minute doesn't mean I'm staying long. I've been running all day (that's figuratively running, although a lot of literal walking was involved) and it's time to get started on dinner soon. Meanwhile it's true, I am in an alternate universe (just as I've been suspecting the last few months) - last night I talked to an Apple guy who seemed clueless and today I talked to a local service guy who didn't, go figure. (I may have to eat my words because when I got around to reading the service order he wrote up it didn't much resemble what I actually told him but still he seemed like he knew what he was talking about, so go figure anyway.) The iMac will be in intensive care for 3-5 days, he said, which means until about this time next week. Oh well.

Not that I'm a pessimist, you understand. I'm just not what you might call sunny, is all.

Fear not, I tell myself. Something makes sense, somewhere, and sooner or later you'll run into it. But right now sitting still for half an hour sounds like a better idea. And communing with the might PowerBook as well.

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