
See here's the problem with these new-fangled gadgets.

A pilot watched in horror as his plane took off without him.

The airman, 70, saw it soar into the sky and do a loop before crashing, reports the Mirror.

(via Ananova)

Used to be, geezers would just occasionally stomp on the accelerator instead of the brake and mash their Buicks into a garage or something. But now, everybody's running around with iPods and cell phones and airplanes, there's a whole lot more can go wrong. Like, loops. Whoever saw a Buick do a loop? Buicks pretty much just go straight.

Otherwise it's more or less the same story though, guy hit the throttle by mistake and then cranked the prop. And at least he wasn't actually in the plane when it crashed, which is an improvement, of sorts, I guess. Buicks, a guy's more likely to be in.

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