
DOOFUS burnishing in a non-decisional way.

Yes. This according to the Associated Press, which also reports the DOOFUS being assisted in his burnishing (and, presumbably, non-deciding) by "top military and diplomatic advisers" as "critics," none of which, apparently, are among said "top military and diplomatic advisors," urge the "Democratic Congress," whatever that might be (is there a "Republican Congress" too?) to resist a military buildup in Iraq.

Bunker spokesbimbo Scott Stanzel helpfully informs us folks (specifically, the American people, or roughly five percent of the world's population) are "rightfully concerned" about developments in Iraq. (Thanks for the "rightful," Scotty. Gonna stop snooping on the phone calls now?) Whether the other 95% of the world is unconcerned or merely not rightful is unexplained.

Whatever. I do like the idea, and am planning an entirely non-decisional day for myself, some portion of which devoted to wondering how they taught the White House to speak.

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