
Or maybe the monkeys will get the bomb and that will settle everything.

But scientists say the ethically charged work will help them better understand disease and hopefully cure some illnesses. They argue their work will never result in the birth of any living being, but lets them experiment with human disease without using people.

Mixing animal and human cells gets more exotic - Boston.com

Yeah, I don't know. Usually I'm not timid about technology. I figure if we're gonna blow ourselves up anyway we might as well do it with some style. And an MP3 soundtrack. But how can it be a human disease if a monkey's got it? It'd be a monkey disease then, wouldn't it? I'm just asking here.

This thing about putting human brain cells in monkeys is a little weird. I mean, seems to me we need all the brain cells we can get right now. And even that might not be enough. So why give the monkeys any, is what I'm saying. That's all.

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