
Doesn't exactly look like Springfield, does it?

Intercollegiate Studies Institute - ISI Books - American Conservatism

Well it doesn't exactly look like Chicago either. Or Toledo. Or even Dubuque. But did you know there's a Springfield in every state? Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is. And I bet it doesn't look like any one of them. Ah, well.

What I'm talking about is the front cover illustration on the just-released "encyclopedia of American Conservatism."

And by the way. The picture's pretty small so it's difficult to be sure but I don't see any cars on that road. And there sure ain't no busses. Or any tractors in the fields, or even a lawn mower. So that's kind of cool - no oil shortage, no pollution, no noise. Come to think of it, I don't see horses either. Or cows. Or people. Although there is something on that big yellow thing behind the house that casts a shadow - maybe that's a people. So maybe somebody lives there.

But not me.

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