
Now here's a great idea - everybody jumps

These guys figure if they can get 600,000,000 people to all jump at exactly the same time (really) they can nudge the Earth into a new orbit, thereby stopping global warming, extending daylight hours, and creating a more homogeneous climate. Plus (they don't mention this but I'm pretty sure it's true) the guy at the grocery store will stop pasting little stickers on all the veggies. Life will become, well, perfect. And all because 600,000,000 people have accurate clocks. And are all on the same side of the Earth. I guess that would have to be true too, otherwise the Earth would just get squished and wind up looking sort of like a cosmic pancake.

They're still 200,000,000 people short. But this thing isn't scheduled to happen until July 20 so there's plenty of time for you to sign up. Also you might want to think about gaining some weight.

Oh, and another thing. If the daylight hours get extended there probably won't be as many vampires around either, so that would be another good thing.

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