
“The President does not know him, nor does the President recall ever meeting him.”

Is it just me or is the government being run by a bunch of guys who've never seen each other? Are you getting that impression too? I mean, if you watch CSPAN, there's always some guy giving a speech in an empty room - maybe the whole thing works like that. Remember in that debate when Dick ("Dick") Cheney said he'd never met John Edwards? And then there was that Enron guy, Kenny ("Kenny") Lay, and now Abramoff, and we're not too sure about Tom ("Whatever His Name Is") Delay either.


The White House - come to think of it maybe that's their problem right there...if they painted it a different color people might not notice it so much...I mean, you wouldn't get excited about goings-on in the Nutmeg House, would you? - the White House, as I was saying, according to this piece in Raw Story, is conducting an all-out search for pictures of Abramoff just so they can see what he looks like.

And speaking of pictures, by the way, if you use cel service from T-Mobile, Cingular, or AT&T you can get some really cool art for your phone from a new outfit called Start Mobile - drop by and take a look.

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