
Our new, official Blog Buzzword (not just any blog, not just any buzzword, but Blog Buzzword) is "artisanal"

There were ten or twelve people on the main street corner downtown this morning waving atisanal 99% signs and trying to get some kind of chant going, although there didn't seem to be universal agreement on that. By admittedly unscientific observation, I would estimate the sentiment for "We are the 99%" at about eight for, four against, and for "Tax the Rich" at maybe 6-5. It is a sunny Saturday morning and people are out and about, so maybe some of those guys were just waiting to cross the street. In any case, I'd guess you could get a dozen people on that same street corner for Michele Bachman, and this is Massachusetts. One of the demonstrators had a dog.

I'm all for the #OccupyWhatever movement, but 1) occupying this little burg is hardly on the same scale as Cairo (where, you may have noticed, the governing military seems to be digging in...but I digress) and, 2) 98.5% of the 99% have more money than I do, so they might as well not expect much in the way of financial support from me. 

(Not that I'm complaining about the money part, you understand. It turns out that if you are a really, really, incredibly old geezer and, what's more, are as easily amused as I am you don't need much. Also, with a little luck, you get smart. But I – have I already mentioned this? – digress.)

It is still, as I mentioned, a perfectly fine autumn day to be out waving artisanal signs so, if you're of a mind to, go for it.

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