
Bin the Bogey Man

SYDNEY, Australia - President Bush said Saturday that Osama bin Laden's first video appearance in three years is a reminder of "the dangerous world in which we live."

"It's important that we show resolve and determination to protect ourselves, to deny al-Qaida safe haven and support young democracies, which will be a major defeat to their ambitions," Bush said about the video released just days before the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

(Bush calls video reminder of dangers - Yahoo! News)
If these guys didn't have bin Laden they would have to invent him. And isn't it a wonderment how this video missive (the first video in three years!) from the bin man just happens to arrive only days (days!) before the so-called Petreaus report gets presented to the so-called Congress and the so-called "surge" gets its regularly-scheduled maintenance and gets put back on the road for another 3,000 miles? Isn't it amazing?

And even if this fantastic video appearance of a man with a dime-store beard isn't just another concoction of that happy-go-lucky Bush bunch - even if it's, you know, actually real - has anyone stopped to consider that ol' binny can absolutely, with perfect certainty, predict right down to the last freakin' coma (I meant comma but coma might work) exactly what Commander Guy's reaction to said entertainment would be? As can we all, Bunky - oh yes, we can. And isn't it possible - just possible, is all - the Laden guy has an agenda here? OMG! Ya think?

And what would that be?

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