
Say what?

Romney against bias to gays despite opposition to gay marriage

When monumentally stupid headlines are written, they will be published in the Boston Globe.

No need to read the story. Shakespeare's Sister has it pretty well pegged right here...
Romney's playing an infuriating little game whereby opposition to same-sex marriage can't possibly be considered discriminatory because marriage isn't meant to be for anyone aside from one man and one woman in the first place so not extending it to gays isn't discriminatory, by gum, it's just the way it has to be by definition, that's all. (And hence granting it would be granting "special rights.") Such reasoning, of course, is manifest bullshit, the same kind of rubbish spewed by defenders of all manner of discrimination, right back to slavery, because freedom was only meant for certain people.

But really, what more do we expect from Mitt ("Mitt")?

The Globe, however, really ought to do a little better.

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