
Tempest alert.

Similar passages in two books published 5 years apart - Boston.com: "I froze, unsure of (a) what he was talking about and (b) what I was supposed to do about it."

Not to mention who, by any stretch of the imagination, might care.

There is some sort of rukkus going on about the occurance of similar passages in a currently popular book by Harvard student Kaavya Viswanathan called "How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life" and another, "Sloppy Firsts," by Megan McCafferty. Judging from the illustrated passages the ensuing storm is teacupworthy, at best. At very best. It's not that we don't care deeply, passionately (oh we do, we do) about the travails of teenage girls; even so, who cares?

Not, said the rooster, I.

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