
Everybody's doing it.

Judge hints at code in 'Da Vinci' ruling - Boston.com: "Tench said the judge teasingly remarked that the code is a mixture of the italicized font code found in the 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' -- whose authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh unsuccessfully sued Brown's publisher, Random House Inc., for copyright infringement -- and the code found in Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code.'"

Alas. I have - have always had, for as long as I remember - some kind of built-in cutoff valve that prevents me from reading books, watching movies, going to plays and whatnot once they've achieved a certain level of popularity. Oh, I read bestsellers and enjoy them, and line up on Netflix for the latest movies but when things get into the mega category like this book, "Da Vinci," or like the play "Cats" or the movie "Platoon" they're off my list. Go figure. I don't know why.

Still I think it's kinda cool put a code in his ruling, no matter how primative the code may be (or how clever, it may turn out). I like that.


...e... said...

"I can't discuss the judgment," Smith said in a brief conversation with The Associated Press, "but I don't see why a judgment should not be a matter of fun."

yeah, i'm sure the original authors, who had their work ripped off not once, but twice (first by Eco, who doesn't have enough money to be worth suing,) and are then made "fun" of by the jolly "judge" are just having a roaring good time. twit. next? hilarious abortion rights! don't miss it!

Ted Compton said...

well I don't know about this Eco but according to the judge the Brown one did not rip off the original guys, whoever they are. in fact, whether they got ripped off or not I myself would never have even heard of the original guys, whoever they are, if it hadn't been for the Da Vinci book. so they are at least now more widely unknown than they were. which is something.