
A glut of gluts

We have too much of everything, don't we? Really. I don't what to sound like some kind of commie wacko here but tell me, have you walked down the "hair products" aisle in the drug store recently? Do we really need 5,368 kinds of shampoo? Or what about the pain pill aisle - do we really need all that stuff? How many kinds of headache are there anyway?

We have a cigar glut. We have so many cigars they're starting to make cigars that taste like something else. Strawberry flavored cigars - what in the name of all that's holy is that? Same for coffee and potato chips. Who wants potato chips that taste like barbecue sauce? OK, well, there's always some weirdo but if he wants barbecue sauce he can buy some barbecue sauce. And if he wants barbecue sauce on his potato chips he can put it on his potato chips. Who knows why he would want to do that? He's a weirdo. That's what weirdos do. But potato chips should taste like potato chips because that's what they are.

And books. Don't believe me? Walk into any book store. Doesn't have to be one of those great big ones - just an ordinary little old neighborhood book store will do. How many of those books have you read? We don't need any more books until we've read the ones we already have. And don't even get me started on libraries.

And art. Art! Walk into any art store and just look at all the art they have lying around. Is this a store or a museum? If we're short on art why is so much of it just lying around doing nothing like that? There's so much art you can get a guy to spray some on your wall for free. And 36,412 kinds of earrings.

And blogs. We have too many blogs. And way too much time on our hands.

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