
Who is this "Q" and where did he learn to pitch like that?

This guy, "Q," who, it appears, was flying around with Trickshot Dick the other day in Air Force Two (which is either the Air Force's number two plane - somewhere between Nancy Pelosi's plane and the Starship Enterprise - or, possibly, a newer and more powerful version of Air Force One, I'm not sure) - anyway, as I was saying, this guy "Q" put on absolutely the most awe-inspiring demonstration ever of pitching big, fat, slow ones right over the plate, to wit:
Q Did you at any time consider changing your itinerary about Kabul after learning this news? Or was that never--

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Never an option.

[Woohoo! Did you see that? But wait - it was just a warm-up.]

Q I guess, the question was, do you suppose in light of the current situation in Afghanistan that if a group does the act that it did and it suggests that they were going after you in some way, it's more a self-serving symbolic statement to their own people, look, we're on the attack against the Vice President, regardless of how ludicrous it is because you were so far from the scene of the actual incident?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: I think they clearly try to find ways to question the authority of the central government. Striking at Bagram with a suicide bomber, I suppose, is one way to do that. But it shouldn't affect our behavior at all.
(Not yet deleted from whitehouse.gov)

Does that take your breath away or what? Trying to find ways to question the authority of the central government!

Oh, those wacky terrorists! Don't they get it? They don't have to blow themselves up - they can just go stand in the protests pens, like we do.

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