
Go, Al!

No, not that Al. Al Sharpton, I'm saying here.

In case you haven't been following this story, Sharpton recently got involved in some kind of genealogy stunt perpetrated by the New York Daily News, which turned up the info that one Coleman Sharpton, Al Sharpton's great-grandfather, was once owned by the great-great-grandfather of former South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, and if you don't know who Strom Thurmond was you shouldn't have much trouble finding out.
"It was probably the most shocking thing in my life," Sharpton said at a news conference Sunday, the day the Daily News reported the link.

So now, reports today's Washington Post, Sharpton gets his licks in by asking for a DNA test. Which is way the coolest thing I've heard all day.
"I think the odds are slim he would match," [Genealogist Megan] Smolenyak told the News.

Yeah, maybe. But just the idea of it is excellent. Go, Al!

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