
Prognostication shopping: Watching for warnings, etc.

A winter storm "watch" - not a "warning," which is much, much worse - is what we have here for Wednesday. Everyone seems agreed on that, which really takes all the fun out of winter (whatever fun there was to begin with), doesn't it? I mean, think about a storm for two days and by the time it actually gets there you're already sick and tired of the whole thing.

So anyway, what I am shopping for is the weather service with the lowest snowfall forecast, which I intend to, then, devoutly believe. So far the lowest I've found is a foot, but I will search on.

We have hardly any snow here now - great patches of bare ground on display for your admiration, and even that the most snow we've had all winter. But now, a foot? (And worse - part, the seers say, will be what we delicately call a "wintry mix," meaning some unknowable but unspeakably vile concoction of snow, sleet, freezing rain, rain, newts and lizards.)

Alas. Perhaps the Puritans are right after all. We will be punished for all we have enjoyed.

Unless, somewhere - anywhere - I manage to discover a better forecast. And soon.

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