
The blabber gap.

You've gotta admit (OK, I've got to admit, anyway) no matter it didn't actually mean squat "stay the course" was a pretty good slogan - "help the Iraqis succeed" sucks. Come on, Harry, you've got to do better than that.

Likewise "right to life" versus "choice." Everybody wants a "right to life" but what the hell does "choice" mean, anyway? Chocolate or vanilla? Pie or cake" (You don't see no broccoli there, do you?) And who can argue with "leave no child behind"?

Outside the Comedy Channel the D's just don't blabber like the R's. Somebody's going to have to work on that.

(And yes. I'm putting apostrophes with the D's and R's now because that's what Grammar Girl says and no way am I gonna argue with Grammar Girl too much.)

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