
Yeah, well, you wouldn't expect anything intelligent from these guys, would you?

The Raw Story | VIDEO: Over 11,000 gays discharged from military in 10 years:
Ian Finkenbinder is an Army soldier with the uncommon ability to translate Arabic. Because of his top secret status, Finkenbinder could translate high security information such as weapons cache locations, insurgent headquarters, and other sensitive intelligence. Yet he was discharged from the Army when his commander learned that he was gay.
I didn't think so.

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Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't because his name was Ian Finkenbinder?

Ted Compton said...

You mean, like, they won't keep anybody whose name they can't pronounce? No way. If you've every participated in an Army mail call you know pronounciation is not major concern.

...e... said...

no, it's just that IAN Finkenbinder? I mean, really, IAN??