
Hey, come on. Let's not be so hard on Camus.

Crooks and Liars » Bush, Camus, and ‘The Stranger’:
On his summer vacation in Crawford, Texas, George Bush read Albert Camus’ novel The Stranger. I’m not sure what to make of this. It’s usually college freshmen who suddenly take up the French existentialist’s slim volume, and then usually to impress some literature major with wavy hair.
Reading Camus on the beach is a perfect way to pick up girls! Isn't it? I mean.... Oh. Well. I thought....

No! Wait. I met a girl like that once. Of course she was an English major, that's true. But still. Hey, it was a short vacation. And anyway it might have been Henry James. Not the girl, I mean. The book. Or some guy like that.

So let's lighten up on Camus a little, OK? If a guy wants to pick up a girl on his vacation or something, that's fine with me.

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