
And that's the Lebanese government they're talking about.

With speed, Hezbollah picks up the shovel - The Boston Globe:
Lebanon's government is still talking about its own reconstruction plan, but Hezbollah has already flexed its organizational muscle to deploy heavy machinery, hundreds of engineers, and thousands of workers across the country, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and in the process leaving the government looking flat-footed.
Not this crowd.

Meanwhile, in New Orleans...

My Way News - Who's to Blame for State of New Orleans?:
...things are moving agonizingly slow. Piles of debris and wrecked cars are everywhere, and astonishingly, searchers were still finding bodies in ruined homes just weeks ago. Harried recovery officials say it's only been a year. How much can you expect?
How much, indeed.

Maybe if DOOFUS and his gang have a rebuilding urge they ought to take another look at the Gulf Coast. Not to mention Iraq, more's the pity. And leave Lebanon to the “bad guys.”

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