
Who are these guys?

NEWSWEEK Poll: Bush's Terror Ratings Up - Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com:
Still, the most murderous terror plot to be publicly exposed since 9/11 disrupted more than air travel. It roiled public opinion too. While the NEWSWEEK Poll suggests President George W. Bush and the GOP-led Congress have plenty to worry about just three months before the midterm congressional elections, it shows a slight uptick in the president's lagging approval rating and a significant boost in voters' opinions of his handling of the terror threat.
Brits bag bombers, DOOFUS gets credit. Go figure.

Meanwhile, 54 percent of respondents in poll say no way do they want to give up their carry-ons, bombs be damned; 52 percent say OK to a “major increase” in air fares to fund airport security.

So what I'm wondering is, what percentage of air travelers fly on expense accounts.

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