
Loudly mentioning huge, horrible oaths.

Damn. I spent five hours today trying to set up a Win98 computer with Verizon DSL which, it turns out, only just barely supports Win98, using a Netgear ethernet card which, it turns out, things are always turning out, doesn't support Win98 at all, at all, at least according to the box. All of which involved rebooting Windows with every third click - what, do they get a commission on reboots or something? And wound up back on dialup which I had to re-install because, of course, the Verizon installer munged that.

And then I went to the grocery store and found myself, suddenly, wondering why I was furiously grabbing things off shelves and stuffing them into my little basket with no thought for tomorrow and then remembering I'd had only some kind of bar - a bar! - for breakfast, not even enough to keep a gnat alive, and forgotten lunch altogether. Time flies when you're having fun.

Also, apparently, when you're not.

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