
So if you're running short on “lotions” yourself...

Soda, hair gel targeted in new flight security | US News | Reuters.com:
Washington's Dulles International Airport was packed with people, many complaining they were not warned about the extra measures before they arrived. Officials were handing out flyers and people were dumping lotions, drinks and other liquids in the trash before check-in.
...I guess the smart thing to do would be hang around an airport trash container today. Of course it might be a bummer to get the kind that explodes but, hey, it's cheap.

Exploding liquids are, indeed, the cause for today's elevated turmoil in the air travel industry. And no, I don't even want to think about what possibilities that leads to.

Meanwhile, in other terror fighting news, comes this brilliant piece of analysis by some retired Army major general named Scales and cleverly hidden on the front page of the July 31 (print) issue of the Moonie Washington Times National Weekly Edition, to wit:
“In terms of enemy combatants, the most military competent enemy combatant is Hezbollah.”
So now you know.

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