
Or how about a radical copywriting rethink?

PM calls for re-think to beat 'arc of extremism' - Evening Times:
Prime Minister Tony Blair wants a radical foreign policy rethink to combat an “arc of extremism” across the Middle East.
When I first moved to New York in the (very) early 60s, a callow incredibly sophisticated youth of 22 and a veteran English major, I was sent off by my boss to tour the company's ad agency. And as I was walking down the hall accompanied by one of the agency's copywriters, an ancient (meaning guy with white hair) walked past and the copywriter leaned to me and whispered, in a voice filled with awe, “he's the author of 'Tower of Power'.“

So I was wracking my brain, trying to think what I knew about that book, when the realization struck: ”Tower of Power“ was the advertising slogan of some gasoline company. Shell, I think. ”Tower of Power“ was what the guy had written. In toto.

So now I'm wondering if this morning there's some guy in London being reverently whispered about, the author of ”Arc of Extremism.“ Just as there's a guy in Washington for authoring ”Axis of Evil.“

Guys, it worked for Churchill. Do not think that you are he.

Which reminds me, speaking of Churchill, a guy for whom ending a sentence with a preposition was something up with which to not put, have you heard this one?

See, there's this confused looking Freshman (OK, that's redundant I guess, but anyway) standing in the middle of Harvard Yard when an upperclassman walks by and the frosh says to the upperclassman thusly: ”Where does this path lead to?“

The upperclassman looks condescendingly at the frosh and replies, ”This is Harvard. We do not end sentences with prepositions..“

”Oh,“ says the frosh. ”Sorry. Where does this path lead to, asshole?“

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...e... said...

and then they both go poof when the first barrage of the battle of cambridge finally finds it mark.

Ted Compton said...

some sort of ivy phobia, is it?