
A dim idea.

I was in a McDonald's today. In broad daylight. You'll just have to take my word about the broad unless you've seen narrow daylight for yourself, and then you'll know. They have a building with big windows all around and no floor-to-ceiling obstructions in the dining area. They had lights hanging from the ceiling every eight or ten feet in every direction and every one of them turned on. And a big faux skylight with fluorescents behind. Or above. As the case may be. And of course back-lit menu boards and promo stuff and, well, you get the idea.

And so I was thinking, what if they turned just half of them off? In all their stores, everywhere. And then what if all the Wendy's and Burger Kings and Uncle Charlie's FatBurgers did it too?

Ok, I just made that up, about Uncle Charlie's. But it doesn't matter, because none of them will.

Which is not bright.

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