
No big deal, just a little gunplay is all.

Snipers Target Shiite March - Los Angeles Times:
BAGHDAD — Gunmen took aim at multitudes of Shiite Muslim worshipers marching through this besieged capital Sunday, killing at least 22 and leaving hundreds injured in a vivid illustration of the sectarian violence driving Iraq toward open civil war....

Despite the gunplay, U.S. and Iraqi officials argued that a draconian weekend security clampdown, including a two-day ban on most vehicular traffic in the capital, helped avert a higher death toll as more than 1 million Shiites headed on foot to the shrine. No major attack was reported at the bustling holy site.
That's such a nice, cozy word, isn't it? “Gunplay,” I mean.

When I was a kid, a young-un, there was a war on - a great big WW, in fact - I and the other kids on the block spent hour after hour running around in somebody or other's back yard playing soldier and shooting at each other with our fingers, the real guns being pretty much all otherwise employed in those days. That was gunplay.

This sounds more like real shooting to me. “No major attack” or no.

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