
Brush your teeth with yogurt and rub it in your armpits too.

Bacteria might help teeth, hinder body odor - LiveScience - MSNBC.com:
Chewing gum, toothpaste and deodorant might soon contain beneficial bacteria to fight tooth decay and underarm stench.
Woohoo! That sounds a little bit on the kinky side, doesn't it? Although I don't know why it should be any kinkier than chocolate. Anything to fight that underarm stench, though - Americans must be the most odor-adverse population on earth. Or the most advertising drenched. Or, come to think of it, both.

I can't remember (and I'm too lazy to look up) whether I mentioned the other day an article about adding some kind of "beneficial virus" to "prepared meats," the purpose of which (the virus) is to eat some nasty illness-producing bacterium in prepared meats, which puts me off prepared meats right there. The FDA says no problem with the virus, it won't hurt you, or at least maybe it won't, so don't get all worried about that.

So then I guess there's probably no big problem with rubbing yogurt on your underarm stench - or at least maybe there isn't - but I don't know, call me crazy, it just makes me feel, well, sticky. And I'm not really sure having yogurt under your arms would make you any less stenchy, Bunky, if you want to know the truth.

Yeah, I know, they didn't actually say rub yogurt under your arms. It's the virus that's in yogurt (or maybe it isn't, exactly) they're talking about using. It's just that yogurt-in-the-armpit idea that turns me on.

And also sounds a whole lot cheaper than whatever these guys have in mind.

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...e... said...

no, no, bacteria, not virus. bacteria in yogurt. bacteria.

Ted Compton said...

You mean those little crawly things? That's even worse.